Friday, May 24, 2013

I really enjoyed this weeks class discussion. We talked a lot about gender roles and why males and females are so different from each other. One reason, one very significant reason, is because that is just the way we were created. Men and Women are just created differently and were made to fulfill different roles. And I don't mean to say that women can't have career's or meet specific goals that women have made for themselves like getting an education and/or a career. But, women are naturally better at nurturing than men are. Women seem to have this innate ability to take care of a child and know what they need sometimes just by looking at them. Women, can and do, make connections to EVERYTHING! Whereas, men, generally think a little more spatially then women do. That is why more often than not men are better at things like football, or math, or building things then are women. Not to say that women can't do these things and do them well, because we can, but it comes much more naturally for men. I believe that we were made differently for a reason, I believe that we men and women have different roles to fill in life. No I don't think being a mother is for everybody or that being a stay at home mom is the only option for us as women, but I do believe that there are reasons that we are different and raising a family really shows those differences and why they work in the family system. Children need a mother and a father, and they need those mother/father roles for some very important reasons. A mother and a father offer extra support for their children, they offer extra love, they provide and meet their children's needs together. And the list can go on and on for the reasons why men and women are different.

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