Friday, June 14, 2013

This semester I have been learning a lot on the importance to find some time alone away from children (if any) and distractions. Husband and wife need to have that one on one time to bond with each other and to keep their marriage happy and satisfactory.
Another thing that is important for husband and wife to do after having children is to find a time to be able to be personal with each other. To show each other that they love each other. Couples need that time together. Physical/Marital intimacy is a sacred thing. It is something for us to grow closer to each other as well as to our Heavenly Father.
This is something that we need to teach our children, that it is a sacred thing and that it should only be done within the bonds of marriage between a man and woman. That it is something that is okay to do once married. It is something that isn't only to be done when a couple is trying to create a child, it can be done anytime (if both want it). Help them to understand that it is sacred and help them to almost disregard what friends or others may say about sex that may influence him/her to experience it before marriage. Teach them that what the world may say about sex and the pleasures that come from it and that it is okay to do it multiple times with multiple partners is okay, enforce in them that it is not. Again, it is sacred.

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